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Vector file so printer can adjust size as needed.
Doc's Billboard Layout 11/15/2016
This is a very strong layout as the corner of the plate acts perfectly as an arrow to cause the viewer to look at 'Doc's Seafood and Steaks' as soon as they look at the food....

T-Shirt Back

Doc's Billboard Layouts 11/4/2016

Introducing The Waterline at Doc's!!!
Plenty of room left to add more text if you think of anything you would like to add. Please review and correct. The mentioned text is just a possible suggestion. You do need to define exactly what Waterline is. I called it a sports and oyster bar, you tell me what you wish to call it, but it needs to stay consistent once the decision is made.

Waterline Postcard 11-1-2016 Front

Waterline Postcard 11-1-2016 Back
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